

The Number 8 - Definition

Definitions of Single Numbers

The Number 8

The Number 8 vibrates to the planet Saturn. It represents wisdom, learning through experience, stability, patience, and responsibility. 8 is also the number of financial security, caution, restriction, self-discipline and self-control.

A person or entity is influenced by the Number 8 if born on the 8th, 17th, or 26th day of any month in any year. People or entities born on the 8th are stamped with the distinctive imprint of the Number 8. So are those born on the 17th, or 26th day of the month, but these will, in addition, be challenged to unlock the karmic mystery of the Compound number - 17 or 26, as the case may be - in their lives. The same is true of the Single and Compound number of the name of the person or entity being analysed.

The Number 8 attitudes and characteristics will be periodically exhibited by the 8 person or entity, and will interact with the person's or entity's personality in different ways, depending on the individual Star Sign.

Impact of the Number 8 on Your Star Sign

Capricorn: The 8 vibration intensifies the Star Sign personality traits.

Cancer: The 8 vibration sometimes opposes the Star Sign motives, but with effort can be used to balance the Star Sign nature.

Pisces, Scorpio, Virgo, Taurus: The 8 vibration harmonises well with the Star Sign character, motives and personality patterns.

Aries, Libra, Gemini, Leo, Sagittarius, Aquarius: The 8 vibration is in sharp contrast with the basic Star Sign instincts. When it surfaces on occasion in the personality, the behaviour is so unusual, relative to the person's or entity's normal or natural Star Sign attitudes, it startles others, and often surprises the Number 8 person as well.

The Meaning of the 8 Vibration
The following definition of Number 8 applies to both people and entities.

8 people are normally quiet, reserved, and shy. They don't obviously push ahead, but slowly and surely they will get where they want to go, and nothing will stop them from achieving their ambitions. The shyness and reticence is a cover for an intense drive to reach the top of the profession or career. They make excellent teachers and counsellors, most of them could be successful in the tough game of politics (although now and then there's a sour apple in the barrel) - and they excel at anything that requires patience and intelligent deduction.

Those influenced by the 8 vibration may have poor health in childhood, but they grow more robust when they reach maturity, and longevity is common with 8 men and women. These people are willing to wait for their plans to bear fruit, and they use the waiting time wisely. It's rare to find an 8 person procrastinating or 'goofing off'. They have an inborn sense of duty and responsibility that won't allow them to take a careless attitude toward what is expected of them. Most of those born under the 8 influence are as reliable as a grandfather clock, and as cozy to be around as a grandma quilt or comforter. They have a rich sense of humour, but one has to watch for it; it's subtle and never obvious. These people behave as if they don't care a peanut what people think of them, and they appear to be turned off by compliments, yet inwardly they care very much what people think of them, and if the compliments are sincere, they secretly enjoy them, although they'll hide their pleasure, for fear they might be considered weak. To be considered weak is the very last thing they want to happen.

Although the 8 vibration, like all the single number birth vibrations, interacts always with the person's Star Sign, and the traits aren't always present - they only surface on occasion - most 8 people have very deep and intense natures and great inner strength. They often play an important role in life's drama, and many times are the instrument of Fate for others. There's a tendency toward fanaticism in religion, and they'll stick by what they believe relentlessly, in the face of all opposition. They make loving friends, but bitter enemies.

Although 8 people appear to be cold and undemonstrative with those they love and trust, they can be shyly affectionate and warmly devoted. They're often lonely, needing desperately to be loved, and they're capable of great sacrifices for an ideal, an ambition, or for those who depend on them. They grow younger in appearance and behaviour as they grow older - they look and act younger at fifty than they did when they were twenty. They're as demanding of themselves as they are of others, but for all the outward attitudes of wisdom and maturity, self-control, and discipline, the 8 person's heart is lonely and longing, and they need to learn that the pursuit of happiness is not a sin.

It's important to read the section about the numbers 4 and 8.

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